Bio In 96 J Read (hatehammers and war) and R foerster (Death axe and hellsaw)recorded the Antichrist superiority demo inspired by the likes of Slaughter Voivod Sarcofago Blasphemy The A S demo was well recieved and at this time thousands have been sold and distributed throughout the underground and it has been recently re released on cd and Lp as a split with Black witchery (us) by Dark Horizon in the US.The band signed a deal to release an lp through A lable that doesn't deserve mention here and the War Cult Supremacy lp was recorded. After many delays the inferiors who ran the lable went under and the release was put to sleep for many months.J Read and R Foerster eventually parted ways on good terms and the band was (rip).With many copies of the w c s lp being tape traded there was always continued interest in the band and eventually Fullmoon prod from the US decided to release the w c s cd.At this time J read is doing a band called REVENGE (Pure warfare holocaust music in the Conqueror way)and will be releasing a mcd soon through Dark horizon in the US. R foerster is now doing session guitars for the infamous Blasphemy.